Saturday, September 27, 2008

Loving Quito

Hope all is well and wonderful you...I´m loving Quito despite the´getting here´part. Only when I arrived at the airport did I discover I did not have a window seat (as I requested online) but an isle seat. I worried about getting sleep even though I would be ready at 2am depature time. Not only was I in an isle seat, it was in the last row and directly opposite 2 bathrooms? Not only would I not get sleep, I would have ass and funk in my face...oh well. I quit feeling sorry for myself when a young man showed up to take the middle seat (window seat already taken by an older woman who sat ready with blanket and pillow...witch! Anyway, I felt worse the middle-seat man who had no chance of getting comfortable. Thankfully, he was cute, friendly and smelled good so I took a benadryl and hoped he wouldn´t mind me drooling and snoring should it happen. After 6hr of sleepless torture, it was time to change flights in Panama. I was happy to be off the plane but felt weak and lightheaded from exhaustion. Was served a meal on the Panama to Quito flight but felt too out of it to eat. I had a window seat but the flight was just under 2 hrs, and I couldn´t fall asleep, my body was sore all over.

Enough of the whinning already...I arrived in Quito early afternoon and took a taxi to a hotel I booked from the airport. My first impression was that it looked very much like most other latin cities in structures, layout, people, shops, noice and traffic everywhere on narrow streets and sidewalks. I saw mountains and volcanos off in the distances. I chose to stay in old Quito first, very colonial with the cathedrals, cobblestone streets, parks, musicians playing in the plaza, etc. I checked into my room and when I reached the top of the stairs, 2nd floor, I felt breathless and now let´s add altitude sickness to my issues?

I left for a walk and to get some water and food.Dinner was chicken, rice and veggies for $2 and was delish! I got back to my room too early to sleep so I decided to try and operate the new camera I got only to discover that the saleslady misled me. It doesn´t take photos and videos, only videos. Meanwhile, I have 2 cameras at home, just had a condensation problem with the camcorder. So that means i´ll have to buy a camera here, oh well! There´s so much to photograph especially when I get to Galapagos Islands.

I´ve only seen most of old Quito in the south but on my way to the north where it´s modern. Will keep you posted. Hasta luego,



Flora Morris Brown, Ph.D. said...

Hi Lonnie,

Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Your flight sounds like many--crowded and disruptive. The good part is that you arrived safely.

I look forward to hearing about your escapades and seeing your photos.


The Divine Miss Kea said...


This is great! I am so glad that I can read your travel adventures. Can't wait to see pictures. Be safe!
