Friday, May 29, 2015

Aruba, my near death experience, pt 4

Land Rover island tour, to the Natural Bridges (fallen and standing), Balashi Gold Smelter Ruins, Vista Chapel (built in 1750), California Light House, Ostrich Farm, Donkey Sanctuary, beautiful beaches, ancient caves.

When we visited a 'natural pool', the waters were so turbulent, I felt like I was in a washing machine. Thankfully, life vest were mandatory, and snorkeling equipment provided. With face in water, I saw more flailing legs than fish! Too many people in the pool, water too rough, and giant waves splashing over the rock wall and into my air tube. I panicked, was unable to keep my mask and tube clear of water, and was unable to reach the rock wall to climb out. I grabbed a big man's shoulder. "Are you ok?" he asked.
My exhausted response, 'no I'm not...I need to get out of here.'

He swam me over and assisted me onto the rocks where I sat, frightened, tired, and searching for another route to get off the rock wall and completely away from the pool. To my horror, the guides were literally plucking multiple distressed people out of the turbulent waters. One guide told me that I'd have to get back in the water so he could pull me out the only safe route, but I had to wait until he got more folks out of the water. I saw a mother holding onto her 2 small children, none of them were wearing life vest? 

Once I caught my breath, grew tired of waiting for help, and regained my fight, I slid back into the agitated waters and climbed out on my own...grateful to be standing on dry land again...whew!

I asked a guide, why would they allow people to get in a dangerous situation that they had to rescue people from. He responded, that 'the water is never usually that rough'. I shook my head & walked away... grateful to be alive.


Unknown said...

Wow! That sounded frightful. Not quite the memories you were looking to have. Thankfully, no one perished.

Unknown said...

Wow! What an adventure! I'm glad you made it through. Thanks for the visual details I can just about image the entire scenario. What cameras did you use for these shots? I have a Nikon D3200

Nubian Nomad said...

Yep it was 'frightful' to say the least! and yep, we're all blessed to be alive.

@ Regina: it's just a pocket panosonic DMC LS80 I bought a few yrs ago somewhere in S.America. Time for an update though (still going with a pocket size, love em).

Thx for the notes! Stay tuned for more....

SistahButters said...

I'm glad you found the courage to continue the journey and now knock some sense into the guide who led you there. Love Aruba, can't wait to go back to the little beach with the lovely coral and tropical breeze. Thanks for sharing!

Nubian Nomad said...

Thx Sistah Butters, Aruba is special!