Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lonnie in Nepal, #1

Namaste all!

I am overjoyed that my 31hour trip to get here has already proven to be worth it as Katmandu has a little bit of everything! After spending a 7hr layover in Hong Kong, an hour stopover in Bangledesh, I got a ride from the airport, checked into my room, took a shower and passed out! Surprisingly, I only slept for 6 hours?

The air quality is aweful and many people wear nose/mouth masks. I've put mine on a few times. The streets are narrow and packed with cars, trucks, pedestrians, shops, street venders, but thankfully, no cows!

Anyway, the Nepali people have been quite hospitable and offered good info on what to do, where to go, etc. I already have plans to leave chaotic Katmandu (Nepal's capital) and head for another city called Pokhara (on a lake) tomorrow. There, I will meet up with a travel network friend, Liliam, from Portugal.

Meanwhile, enjoy the Katmandu photos of Burbur Square Temple, Monkey Temple, and African refugees that I had the pleasure of sharing wonderful conversations about almost everything.

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